Wake-up Call

It’s a blustery spring day here. Blue sky, clouds—some dark and ominous, others white and billowy—race across the sky, gusts of wind cause pine trees to sway, drops of rain splatter windshields, and brilliant sunshine all come together to inhabit the masterpiece that is this day.

It is as if the earth is trying to shake itself awake.

And it’s working.

Everywhere there is evidence of new life. Tiny calves arrive in the pastures. Ranchers plow and plant the fields. Buds burst on branches, wildflowers appear according to some anciently choreographed order, and blossoms turn orchards white and pink with the possibility of another fruitful season.

It happens every year. The earth knows when to wake up and tend to that which is ready to grow. If we pay attention we’ll find that we are living within the pages of nature’s handbook. A dummies guide to a fruitful life.

Spring is a reminder to shake ourselves awake and tend to whatever is ready to inhabit the masterpiece that is our life.

It's not an oxymoron. It just feels like one.

To be active is to be energetic, engaged, and lively.

To wait is to stay put, linger, and to mark time.

Put them together and you have what is known as active waiting.

It feels like an oxymoron, but it’s not.

As I write this, winter isn’t over but spring is on the way. Snow is still on the ground while underneath things are preparing to grow. Branches are budding but haven’t yet bloomed. Mama elk patiently carry their calves while waiting to give birth once the vegetation they depend on for food is more plentiful.

Nature seems to understand the importance of actively waiting.

Human beings, not so much.

We are doers, not waiters, and trying to do both at the same time feels like a crazy maker. Like trying to rub your tummy and pat your head. We can do one or the other, but not both. We can either do something or wait, but not both.

But what if Nature knows what she’s talking about? What if she knows that wisdom lies in preparing for what is ahead by staying present to what is here now. By staying put while continuing to look down the road. Allowing things to unfold rather than forcing them before their time. Letting more puzzle pieces make themselves known while arranging the ones we have.

Active waiting might look like writing a little something everyday while allowing that creative idea to percolate. Packing up one room at a time here so so as to be ready to move there. Designing a new garden while snow is still on the ground. Applying for a job while still fully engaged in the one we have. Reflecting on what is on our side of the fence before talking about what is on theirs. Focusing on what is right in front of us while not losing sight of where we are headed. Being fully in the present while anticipating the future. Staying with what is so as to be better equipped for what is to come.

Active waiting isn’t an oxymoron.

It just feels like one.

Over Winter?

We are so over winter. At least that’s what I am hearing from almost everyone I know, and plenty of people I don’t. People are tired of the cold, the gray, the wet, and in my little neck of the woods, the snow that just keeps coming.

But what if winter isn’t done with us yet?

It’s been a long winter.

What, I wonder, is preparing to grow?

What, I wonder, needs a little more time in order to be ready to flourish?

What, I wonder, will show itself, if we are willing to wait but a little longer?

Whatever it is, I’ll bet it’s worth the wait.

Final Word Of The Day: CULTIVATE

For the past few weeks I have focusedon a word of the day drawn from a list created at the beginning of January. Each word was chosen to serve as a guide to inspire and inform my steps through 2020. If you are just joining me now and want to look in on earlier posts on this topic, you will find links to each at the end.


As I write about this, the last word from my list, it seems fitting that today is the exact midway point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. Also known as the Vernal Equinox, the first day of spring ushers in a season of new growth.

Driving home from church today we passed fields that last week were unplowed, but are now tilled and readied for new crops. As it is for farmers, ranchers, and community gardeners, now is the time to set our minds upon that which we want to grow within us.

Whatever it is that wants to take root in our lives, it is time to prepare the soil, plant the seeds, and provide them with what they need to grow and thrive.

Photo by PhotoMIX Ltd. from Pexels

Photo by PhotoMIX Ltd. from Pexels

Ready To Emerge

Sometimes an image grabs me, and I have to slam on the brakes and capture it. It was the juxtaposition of the snow covered ground and glistening branches, together with the intense light of the sun that captivated me.

Winter is coming to an end. Spring is about to begin.

The season of dormancy is over. The days of new life are about to begin. 

The months of hibernation are coming to an end. The time for new life to emerge is about to begin.

Winter is coming to an end, and spring is about to begin.  

What is ready to emerge in your life?

Whatever it is, the world is waiting for it.
