Find your voice.
Trust your voice.
Use your voice.
Elder + Connector + Writer
Find your voice.
Trust your voice.
Use your voice.
Do you ever feel like this?
Yeah. Me too.
After a long career in Human Resources, Molly found the voice she’d quieted in her youth and began to write. Her book, Blush: Women & Wine, explores how so many of us turn to wine to soothe our discomfort and avoid painful feelings.
Tell us a little about your background.
The youngest of four...
am a Pacific Northwest girl. Born and raised in Portland, Oregon, I was the youngest of four by a long shot. My siblings are 8, 12, and 13 years older than me. My mom tried hard to convince me that I wasn’t an “oops” baby. But seriously? My parents were wonderful, loving people with busy lives of their own. My dad was....
MOLLY DAVIS is the founder of Trailhead Coaching & Consulting. She writes about lessons and adventures from the trail, and knows from firsthand experience that sometimes the only way to discover where you want to be, is to get lost where you don't. If you enjoyed this post, please feel free to pass it along.
BLOGS I FOLLOW: Rule13Learning | Seth Godin | Beanpole Pottery | Brain Pickings | Richard Rohr |