Growing Up

We never stop growing up. At least I don’t. Even with 65 years behind me, I still encounter parts of myself, on an almost daily basis, that need to grow beyond lingering childish behaviors and ways of reacting to the world, and relating to the people around me. Especially to those who matter the most to me.

Growing up means not taking myself so seriously.

Growing up means seeing that I am but a small part in a very, very, very big picture.

Growing up means owning my life. All of it.

Growing up means learning that it’s not all about me. In fact, it’s hardly about me at all.

Growing up means leaving behind ways of responding to the world that might have kept me safe in the past, but that now keep me stuck in old patterns and habits.

Growing up means not getting what I want at the expense of others.

Growing up means not taking everything personally.

Growing up means letting go of the past and heading out into an unknown future.

Growing up means taking full ownership for myself and how I respond to the people in my life and the circumstances life brings my way.

Growing up means digging deep when I’d rather give up.

Growing up isn’t for the faint of heart, because in the end it means taking my own hand and stepping out onto the trail ahead.
