Imagine what would happen if our thought bubbles were visible to others. It might not be pretty.
Before we heave sighs of relief that they aren’t, let’s consider what might happen if they were. I’m not talking about our snarky thoughts, or the mean spirited, sarcastic words we would never utter out loud, but love to shout behind the closed doors of our mind. I’m talking about the other ones. The thoughts and feelings that we work so hard to keep hidden might be precisely the ones that need to be brought out into the open.
What aren’t you saying?
Whatever it is, it might be what will lead to the real conversation. The one that will result in deeper understanding and closer connection. The one that will help heal wounds, mend fences, develop courage, deepen trust, and strengthen relationships.
What aren’t you saying?
Whatever it is, it might be what needs to be spoken out lout and within our own earshot. The words that will help us separate fact from fiction, loosen fear’s grip, empower us to ask for help, and shed light on our next right steps.
What aren’t you saying?
Whatever it is, it might be exactly what needs to be said. And heard.
(With gratitude to Dane Anthony for showing me the power behind this question)
Photo by Miguel Á. Padriñán from Pexels