Several months ago I made the commitment to a daily writing practice, and there are times when sitting down and trying to put words together well is the last thing I want to do.
I feel captive to the process.
Thankfully, more days than not, it is also one of my saving graces.
Faithfulness to a practice can be its own reward, reminding us of our determination, persistence, passion, and discipline. There are also, I’ve discovered, unexpected blessings to be found in staying true to our chosen course. One of the most surprising for me has been an expanded awareness of the present moment. Every day, images of extraordinary beauty in the midst of the ordinary, and creative expression in the middle of everyday circumstances catch my eye.
Rather than feeling captive to the daily practice, I find myself captivated by daily life.
Morning walk. Radnor Lake, Nashville TN
A trail for slow wanderings.
A miniature display of equine a nail salon.
Stairway to heaven (Bell tower stairs, Viborg Cathedral)