fun: enjoyment, amusement, or lighthearted pleasure
“So, what are you doing for fun these days?”
That was the question I posed to a friend not too long ago
She didn’t have an immediate answer. To buy herself a little time she turned the tables on me.
“Well, what are you doing for fun these days?”
I didn’t have a ready answer either.
This was not good.
It’s a funny thing about fun.
Just when we need it the most, as in now, it seems the hardest fo find.
We are in for a long haul my friends, and the only way we are going to make it through, and do the hard work required of us, is to find ways to lighten our hearts, lift our spirits, and look for moments of lighthearted pleasure.
Not someday.
Not when the pandemic is over.
Not when things change for the better.
Gracie-the-chocolate labradoodle gets it. She can turn anything into a moment ofenjoyment, amusement, or lighthearted pleasure, especially if there is a ball involved. But if there isn’t, she grabs the nearest stick and races in circles. If there isn’t a stick, she races in circles anyway. Head held high, a twinkle in her eye, she is having a blast right in the middle of this messed up world. She doesn’t wait until all the chores are done, there is a lull in her schedule, the election is over, or there is a vaccine available. She simply sees the possibility of fun all around her and grabs hold of it.
If she can do it, so can we.
So, what you are doing for fun these days?
Photo by Scott Webb from Pexels