The need for help is endless. Out in the wider world for sure, but also in our own little necks of the woods. The question is when to help and when to, well, not. A simple question with a bit more complex answer.
We’re all wired differently. Some of us are more prone to help when asked. Period. Others of us might not help enough. Both tendencies can get us into trouble.
Natural born helpers can jump in too quickly, robbing others of the opportunity to help themselves. Helping too much or too often leads to resentment. Ours and theirs. Helping no matter what, we sidestep counting the cost until it’s too late and our inner accounts have become depleted. Not a good way to live.
Not-so-prone-to-help folks can hang back until it’s too late. Helping too little or not often enough, we miss the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of those who need our brand of help. Holding back from helping we miss out on the dividends paid on an investment well made. Not a good way to live either.
We’re all here to help each other, just not every time.
We’re all here to help each other, just not simply because we are asked or because we can.
We’re all here to help each other when we can and should, and not when we can’t and shouldn’t.
Learning when to do which is a big help.
Image from Riccardo (Pixels)