This morning three things occurred in quick succession:
I tripped over a rock that holds our screen door open because I wasn’t looking where I was going.
I ran into the door of the dog crate because I hadn’t closed it properly.
I was hit on the head when something fell off of a hook because I was moving too fast.
Life was trying to tell me something.
Be present. Instead of being where we are, we look ahead and miss what is right in front of us, or in this case, right under our feet.
Be present. Instead of tending well to what is called for now, we move ahead leaving a trail of unfinished business behind us.
Be present. Instead of running the race set before us like the long distance event that it is, we sprint ahead until life crashes down around us.
In all three instances in that short chain of events, the message was the same.
Be present.
Photo by Martin Damboldt from Pexels